Kevs' Yellow Buttercup Page

Jello Anyone?

“A lot of tough decisions are going to be made in order to balance the state budget, and it’s important to find out what people’s priorities are,” Van De Wege said.

Well, we are still triing to find out what Kevins priorities are on Wild Olympics since the town hall meeting in Montesano at the end of March.  He promised the crowd he would look into it.
He wont respond to our continued inquiries since then.
earns him
our Yellow Buttercup Page

NOW it is december, we still dont have an answer. what a mutt. he wont answer my question.
WE dont want this creep for OUR Rep.

Kevin Van De Wege just signed on to   SB 6102
and companion Bill  HB 2326 that his buddy Steve Tharinger's Sponsoring. This Bill is to Ban Wood Burning Stoves and Fireplaces.

The House Bill has passed. It is important to contact all Wa. Senators and PROTEST! These officials have gone too far.
Here is a sample of points made in a 12 minute phone conversation with
Mr. Green Jeans (Kevin Van De Wege) and a Clallam county CARP 13 member that just came in from Karl Spees, Pres. Capr13.


   Kevin has defended signing on saying that the bill addressed a federal air quality problem in Pierce County and that it had bipartisan support from the Pierce County House delegation. He further said that Pierce County is the only county that would currently be affected, with Yakima being the only other one that was close. He said application in Clallam County, given our levels of pollutants and weather conditions, would be extremely unlikely. She told Kevin, "since the law is tied into the “national ambient air quality standard”, if the feds tighten those standards in the future, the areas affected within Washington State could automatically expand if the law applies to the entire state. I reminded Kevin how in the past we have been bitten by laws that, when passed, we were told would have no effect, or at least no immediate effect,  which years later caused lots of problems".
"He at first seemed surprised at my claim that this provision was in the Bill. After I told him where it was, he had found it, then he said that I should know, that this would never actually be done, that this was not a regulation but just a game plan to bring Pierce County back into compliance with federal rules.
As you have seen from Kev's irresponsible response, he is to busy playing games to concentrate on REAL issues.

Here is CARP 13's members response:
   "As a former attorney I should know that “may include” did not mean,  that these things would actually be done. I told him that as a former attorney I knew that “may include” does authorize government to do the things specified in the bill, which government may not have been able to do in the absence of such authorization. I also said that imposing legal rules known to be unenforceable from a practical or political standpoint was just bad policy and breeds contempt for law in general.  
  This opens the door to a huge Pandoras Box as this CAPR13 member has explained.  Many Bills now days have the phrase "and for other purpose's" BEWARE  It's ALL in the wording.  The way these officials write up these bills are pretty slick. Some officials are skimmers rather then readers. Others intentionally will sneak things in at the last minute (hoping it won't be noticed. BEWARE! This also opens the door for a "gut and run" government free-for-all. You never truly know what the wording or possible "add-ons" will mysteriously appear prior to the actual signing of the final bill. It has happened all throughout history. History Seems to be repeating it'self.   CAPR 13 has power behind their research.  They are readers between the lines. A necessity when dealing with unlawful and unconstitutional Acts against Private Citizens and their Property, what they can and can't do on it.  Check out the website an get informed. It pays to pay attention. It costs to think someone else will pay attention for you!
   Did you notice that Kevin didn't remember the part of the Bill that read "may include"? That could be because the other half of his brain (Tharinger) wasn't there to fill in the blanks.
HE'S GOTTA GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Exerpts from another CAPR13 Member:

"Van De Wege and Tharinger (the siamese twins) both assured me my stove would not be effected. That simply is an opinion, not a fact. It goes into (at great length) various stove official approvals. My stove has never even been inspected by any official - so how could it be "approved?"

Was  this a responsible answer? From the inseparable?

Vote Him Out

Email your Washington Senators TODAY and Oppose this Bill  that is now in  Senate for review.
SB 6102 and companion Bill HB 2326